The Ultimate Guide to Persuasion for Marketers

July 15th, 2021 | Andres Lares, Managing Partner, Shapiro Negotiations Institute

Marketing experts understand that influencing is as much art as it is science; what many do not know is that there is a process to persuade others successfully. Whether you are writing persuasive copy or influencing someone internally for more support on a marketing initiative, the four steps outlined in my forthcoming book Persuade will make you more successful.

The process is as follows: Build Credibility, Engage Emotion, Demonstrate Logic, and Facilitate Action. Let’s take a closer look at each step.

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Marketing Mix Modelling: Getting It Right

July 7th, 2021 | Winston Li, Founder, Arima

Many marketers find it challenging to figure out the optimal budget they need to achieve their marketing objectives. Indeed, being able to correctly size your media budgets and determine the optimal way to allocate the money across a wide range of marketing channels is an essential exercise for every marketer. Successful businesses have always prioritized their marketing initiatives and having a robust Marketing Mix Model (MMM) is a key component. Having a well-designed MMM will give you the tools and information to avoid the risk of an under-sized marketing budget and, above all, will help you justify your resource needs.

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Managing Sponsorship Initiatives Post-Pandemic

May 12th, 2021 | Ian Malcolm, President and CEO, Lumency

Of little surprise, the COVID-19 pandemic will have an impact on how brand marketers should be thinking about sponsorship for the remainder of 2021, and at least into 2022, if not longer. Consumers expect the pandemic to continue to be a concern until December 2021. It will likely be between 15 and 18 months between their ‘normals’.

We expect consumers to reengage with the world around them in stages, moving from household and neighborhood to their wider communities and regions, and then to national and international travel. It is the trusted brands that are alongside Canadians on that journey that can build relevance and earn attribution.

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Laws of Growth: Lessons from How Brands Grow

April 21st, 2021 | thinktv,

How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don’t Know made waves when it was first released. The now-ubiquitous book by Byron Sharp is based on empirical research covering market share, brand equity, price promotions and advertising. Sharp challenges many traditionally held marketing beliefs – from the value of loyalty and the effectiveness of targeting to the importance of reach.

Sharp’s evidence-based marketing research continues at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science at the University of South Australia, the world’s largest marketing research centre, where he and his team work with some of the biggest international brands, from P&G and Unilever to PepsiCo and McDonald’s…

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Seven trends that will influence content marketers in 2021

April 7th, 2021 | Katherine Scarrow, Monica Bialobrzeski and Jeanine Brito, Globe Content Studio

As the business world continues to adapt to political and pandemic pressures, content marketers have to shift their strategies and communications on a dime to stay relevant.

Here are some of the biggest creative, cultural and societal trends to watch in 2021:

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What Apple’s iOS Identifier Change Really Means for Marketers

April 1st, 2021 | Ian Meyers, Head of Addressability Product, LiveRamp

The iOS portion of the Canadian mobile advertising industry, estimated at $5.9 billion in 2019, is substantially underwritten by a 36-character ID. The simplicity of the Identifier For Advertisers (IDFA) belies its utility — use cases from retargeting, to frequency capping to attribution all have critical dependencies on this identifier.

Apple threw the mobile marketing industry into turmoil when they announced in June of last year that the IDFA would be placed under a permissioning model, the Ads Tracking Transparency framework (ATT). In a step unusual for Apple, the initial September 2020 release was pushed back to “early Spring” of this year. Rumors of further delays have circled, potentially in response to lagging developer adoption and threats of new tracking vectors developed in mainland China.

Why should asking users for permission cause so much chaos?

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