
A Canadian Study Into Invalid Traffic (2017)

Digital ad fraud is a significant global problem affecting open exchanges as well as premium and private exchanges.

This benchmark study, done with online fraud detection company Sentrant, identified the breadth and depth of invalid traffic through ad fraud amongst participants’ campaigns.

Specifically, the study:

  • Monitored online advertising campaigns of participants in real time to detect and determine the percentage of fraud throughout the time period
  • Identified the level of fraud across advertising channels (premium publishers, ad networks)
  • Determined fraud levels based upon device platform (desktop vs. mobile) and format
  • Identified outlying results and uncovered what produces anomalies
  • Provided suggestions on actions to take that mitigate ad fraud

Ancillary to fraud detection, the study reported on viewability of the ads and calculating an effective CPM multiplier for gross impressions compared with human and viewable impressions. The study ran between February and December 2016.

View the report’s executive summary.

Download the report (Exclusive to ACA Members)

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